부스번호 |
I201 |
영문 업체명 |
Rolls-Royce plc |
국가 |
United Kingdom |
대표자 |
Tufan Erginbilgic |
주소 |
Rolls-Royce plc
King’s Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9FX |
대표 전화 |
44-1332 242424 |
대표 팩스 |
대표 이메일 |
Changho.jin@rolls-royce.com |
홈페이지 |
회사소개 |
Rolls-Royce develops and delivers complex power and propulsion solutions for safety-critical applications in the air, at sea and on land. Our products and service packages enable our customers to connect people, societies, cultures and economies together and enable governments to equip their armed forces with the power required to protect their citizens. We have customers in more than 150 countries, comprising more than, 160 armed forces and navies.
회사로고 |
제품소개 |
mtu Series 4000 are one of the most successful heavy-duty, high performance engines Rolls-Royce has ever produced. They meet the requirements of the IMO III emissions directive thanks to state-of-the-art mtu selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems. Variable speed capability enables efficient operation, saves fuel and reduces maintenance.
제품사진 |