참가업체 검색

참가업체 정보

부스번호 L100
영문 업체명 LACROIX
국가 France
대표자 Jean Jacques BARES
주소 Route de Gaudies 09270 Mazeres
대표 전화 +33-5 61 67 79 00
대표 팩스 -
대표 이메일 info@etienne-lacroix.com
회사소개 Lacroix naval solutions are designed to protect all kinds of vessels against radar, infrared, TV and laser-guided missiles and against torpedoes.
In Korea, Lacroix has been deploying its CNR Corner Reflector Technology for 12 years with DAGAIE Launchers and promoting it on Korean RBOC systems.
SEACLAD decoys are the latest generation in countermeasures to defeat current and future threats, and are currently in operational service worldwide.
제품소개 NA