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참가업체 검색


부스번호 B406 국가 France
영문 업체명 Naval News
대표자 Xavier Vavasseur
주소 Naval News 11 rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris, France
대표 전화 33- 대표 팩스 -
대표 이메일 xavier@navalnews.com
홈페이지 http://www.navalnews.com
회사소개 NAVAL NEWS is an internationally renowned news website dedicated to the naval and maritime domain. Using a number of experienced naval analysts and journalists from across the world, NAVAL NEWS offers unrivalled news, insights and analysis into global naval developments.

Since its founding in 2019 NAVAL NEWS has grown rapidly to become one of the premier naval technology websites in the world. With digital audiences now numbering nearly 1 million per month, NAVAL NEWS provides the perfect platform for companies to showcase their products and services.