Sponsorship Programs

Apply to various sponsorship programs to promote your company effectively.

Advance Publicity

Newsletter Banner Banner AD on the monthly MADEX Newsletter,
sent to people in the field of navy defense.
1time $200
2time $300
1time $400
E-Mail AD
Banner AD on the pre-registration confirmation e-mail sent to visitors
*Limited to 2 exhibitors

On-site Promotion

Official Directory Print your advertisement on the official directory with the
details of the exhibitors and events.
Table 1,2,3 $1,500
Table 4 $3,000
Elsewhere $1,000
Hall Banner A banner with your company logo and information will be installed
on above the booth.
e-Floor Plan Mobile Banner AD Highlight your booth location $500
e-Floor Plan KIOSK AD Banner AD on the Floor Plan KIOSK
* Limited to 5 Exhibitors
Registration Desk Your Company logo (with booth no. etc.) will be shown
on the KIOSK main screen.
*Limited to 5 exhibitors
Outdoor Billboard The logo of your company will be made into structure
and installed at the BEXCO square.
*Limited to 2 exhibitors
Site Leaflet Highlight your company name (with logo etc.) on the site leaflet(show guide).
*Limited to 5 exhibitors
Lanyard Imprint logo of your company on the visitor lanyard.
*Limited to 2 exhibitors.
Solely $20,000
Basic $10,000
Package A e-Floor Plan Mobile Banner AD $ 5,000
Registration Desk AD
Package B e-Floor Plan KIOSK AD $ 2,600
On-site Leaflet
Please contact MADEX show management office, if you have any query on the sponsorship.
Tel. +82-2-785-4771   Email. sales@madex.co.kr